

Mobiele is a super cool platform based in Africa where you can play mobile games, join tournaments, connect with other gamers, and even win prizes! It's all about gaming fun and competition

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React Js



Problem Statement

The Problem

During the course of this project, I faced a few challenges with the layout due to my limited knowledge of CSS flexbox, as well as with dynamic components and page rendering in ReactJs. Moreover, the platform I was using to render each matchday bracket did not have crucial data fields required for logging scores, which presented some difficulties.

The Solution

I utilized my knowledge of flexbox and gained a deeper understanding by putting it into practice. I also enjoyed learning about dynamic component rendering in React. And the missing data field issue? No problem! I came up with an algorithm to generate the necessary data and used it to make sure users could log scores with ease.

The Results

After deploying to production, I spotted a bug that was preventing some endpoints from running on iOS. But I took care of it and everything was smooth sailing. And the best part? Users said that registering for tournaments was a breeze, which made my day! A big shoutout to the amazing UI/UX designer for making it happen.


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Developing the tournament management tool with ReactJs was a valuable experience. It allowed me to improve my skills in working with React and understand how to use the React context API for state management. Additionally, the project provided insight into how websites can render multiple pages with a consistent design layout and efficiently manage said pages. Overall, it was a great choice and I'm glad to have had the opportunity to work on it.

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